6.9.13 Switched from Log Block to CoreProtect v2.7
6.9.13 Updated to DisguiseCraft v4.8.
6.7.13 Updated to CraftBukkit 1.5.2 - R0.1
6.2013 Switched to Multicraft 1.8.2 as the server client. I like McMyAdmin better, but we had too many problems with the permissions system corrupting.
5.20.13 Updated to PlayerHeads v3.1.0093. (--Now has horse, enderdragon, squid, silverfish, slime, iron golem, mushroom cow, and bat heads!)
5.20.13 Updated to ProtocoLib 2.4.1
5.20.13 Updated to MobArena v0.94.4.98
5.20.13 Updated to Pwnfilter 2.4
5.13.13 Installed LogBlock and changed mob spawning permissions to help prevent griefing.
5.2.13 Updated to DisguiseCraft Development build for Minecraft 1.5.2
5.2.13 Updated to CraftBukkit 1.5.2 Development build
5.2.13 Updated server to Minecraft 1.5.2.!
5.1.13 Installed DisguiseCraft v4.6
5.2013 Added /enchant, /give, /more, /nuke, & some /sign permissions to CEO rank. Note: we added the worldguard.stack (/stack) command, but are still trying to make it work for CEOs.
4.29.13 Upgraded McMyAdmin to
4.28.13 Added the essentials.list permission so everyone can see who's online.
4.28.13 Installed Buycraft mod. Still in the process of configuring.
4.27.13 Upgraded RAM to 8GB, from 4GB, and from 667mhz to 800mhz.
4.26.13 Enabled various signs, including COLOR, heal, etc.
4.26.13 Installed Vault. Vault is the mod that allows you to use the monetary system on Factions.
4.22.13 Upgraded to EssentialsXMPP vPre2.11.1.2, to resolve a conflict with upgraded McMyAdmin.
4.22.13 Upgraded McMyAdmin to Professional Edition
4.22.13 Adjusted both Mob Arenas so Factions players will not lose power on death.
4.21.13 Installed XMPP, which enables you to chat in-game, while you're offline. See xmpp
4.20.13 Changed Factions configuration so it only works in the "Factions" world. Players can now use the Modern House Mob Arena without power loss on death. To avoid power loss on death in Factions Mob Arena, the arena must be claimed as a War Zone, then flagged to deny power loss.
4.20.13 Fixed factions's chat formatting, to change "f <faction >r" to "<faction>", and allow automatic colors (e.g. enemy = red, ally = purple).
4.20.13 Installed Lockette
4.19.13 Re-installed Mob Arena after a glitch with our old configuration. Running smooth again
4.14.13 Installed Mob Arena, Player Heads, and Factions mods
4.2013 Made portals to the major worlds
4.13.13 Started Minecraft Blog, and @mcrghn on Twitter
4.2013 Installed Multi-verse
4.2013 Finally succeeded in linking mc.rghn.org to our server, making it easier for people to join
4.03.13 Started new server with new worlds, and McMyAdmin as a console.
4.01.13 Bought new computer to use as a server. Quad-core.
6.9.13 Updated to DisguiseCraft v4.8.
6.7.13 Updated to CraftBukkit 1.5.2 - R0.1
6.2013 Switched to Multicraft 1.8.2 as the server client. I like McMyAdmin better, but we had too many problems with the permissions system corrupting.
5.20.13 Updated to PlayerHeads v3.1.0093. (--Now has horse, enderdragon, squid, silverfish, slime, iron golem, mushroom cow, and bat heads!)
5.20.13 Updated to ProtocoLib 2.4.1
5.20.13 Updated to MobArena v0.94.4.98
5.20.13 Updated to Pwnfilter 2.4
5.13.13 Installed LogBlock and changed mob spawning permissions to help prevent griefing.
5.2.13 Updated to DisguiseCraft Development build for Minecraft 1.5.2
5.2.13 Updated to CraftBukkit 1.5.2 Development build
5.2.13 Updated server to Minecraft 1.5.2.!
5.1.13 Installed DisguiseCraft v4.6
5.2013 Added /enchant, /give, /more, /nuke, & some /sign permissions to CEO rank. Note: we added the worldguard.stack (/stack) command, but are still trying to make it work for CEOs.
4.29.13 Upgraded McMyAdmin to
4.28.13 Added the essentials.list permission so everyone can see who's online.
4.28.13 Installed Buycraft mod. Still in the process of configuring.
4.27.13 Upgraded RAM to 8GB, from 4GB, and from 667mhz to 800mhz.
4.26.13 Enabled various signs, including COLOR, heal, etc.
4.26.13 Installed Vault. Vault is the mod that allows you to use the monetary system on Factions.
4.22.13 Upgraded to EssentialsXMPP vPre2.11.1.2, to resolve a conflict with upgraded McMyAdmin.
4.22.13 Upgraded McMyAdmin to Professional Edition
4.22.13 Adjusted both Mob Arenas so Factions players will not lose power on death.
4.21.13 Installed XMPP, which enables you to chat in-game, while you're offline. See xmpp
4.20.13 Changed Factions configuration so it only works in the "Factions" world. Players can now use the Modern House Mob Arena without power loss on death. To avoid power loss on death in Factions Mob Arena, the arena must be claimed as a War Zone, then flagged to deny power loss.
4.20.13 Fixed factions's chat formatting, to change "f <faction >r" to "<faction>", and allow automatic colors (e.g. enemy = red, ally = purple).
4.20.13 Installed Lockette
4.19.13 Re-installed Mob Arena after a glitch with our old configuration. Running smooth again
4.14.13 Installed Mob Arena, Player Heads, and Factions mods
4.2013 Made portals to the major worlds
4.13.13 Started Minecraft Blog, and @mcrghn on Twitter
4.2013 Installed Multi-verse
4.2013 Finally succeeded in linking mc.rghn.org to our server, making it easier for people to join
4.03.13 Started new server with new worlds, and McMyAdmin as a console.
4.01.13 Bought new computer to use as a server. Quad-core.
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